Meet the team working behind the scene.

About Us

Anna Harris

Anna Harris

Anna is the head of our customer service department and ensures that all questions are answered in a timely manner and resolutions are met. Her and her team are available 24 hours a day to assist you and resolve any questions you may have.

  • Seattle, WA
Candace Williams

Candace Williams

Candace is the head of our marketing department.  This includes all social media marketing campaigns. She has had much success in marketing in the food industry previously and since she has come onto our team we have more than doubled the amount of available matches for you within her first quarter!

  • San Francisco, CA
James Anderson

James Anderson

James is the head of technology and innovation at the Divine Timing Database. He has over 20 years of experience in the tech industry. Here, he leads a team full of developers and testers to make the database and dating app as user friendly as possible!

  • Seattle, WA
Joseph Ghallert

Joseph Ghallert

Joseph is our chief executive officer in charge of all departments daily operating of the database and astrology dating app.

  • Los Angeles, CA
Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

Kevin is the head of cybersecurity at the Divine Timing Database. He has a 24 hour monitoring system in place. He also works as a cybersecurity professor at the local community college and works for the IBM ai program.

  • Dallas, TX
Lauren Smith

Lauren Smith

Lauren is the head of our human resources department.  With a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from the University of South Carolina, she is able to make executive decisions about the team and the fair treatment of our employees.

  • Seattle, WA
Luke Grant

Luke Grant

The corporate treasurer and head of the accounting department.

  • San Francisco, CA
Madeline Marie

Madeline Marie

Madeline is one of our expert astrologists and the visionary behind creating the database.  It was based on her inception of an astrology dating app based on synastry that this database was born.

  • Los Angeles, CA
Paul Shapiro

Paul Shapiro

The current president of the Divine Timing Database. He has built several platforms for major brands and works for the database while simultaneously heading many other advanced recognizable projects.

  • Austin, TX


Riley is an expert occultist and astrologist.  She is on hand to assist the staff when making astrology decisons.  Her and Madeline mastermind once a month to verify the current data and bring the best astrological insights to you.

  • Los Angeles, CA